Carmel Convent Keorapukur

In the bustling city of Calcutta, sisters embarked on a journey,
From humble beginnings to a thriving community they did build,
With kindness and grace, they found their place,
In a house on Heysham Road, they made their stand,
Expanding the school, shifting headquarters, and facing challenges grand,
Their story of resilience and faith, in Calcutta’s vibrant land.

In 1955, an opportunity arose in South Kolkata, and Sister Fridolin, a pioneer and visionary leader, along with the support of Mgr. Barber and Fr. Richir S.J., following a personal visit and approval from the Superior General, began laying the groundwork for a new foundation. With assistance from Fathers Fallon, Antoine SJ, and Msgr. Barber, the Apostolic Carmel secured a school building at 19, Deshapriya Park Road, which became known as “St Mary’s Carmel School” (Nirmala Vidyalaya). The school started admissions a month and a half in advance.

In February 1956, St. Lawrence’s School in Calcutta began with three sisters – Florita, Bathilda, and Muriel, who held classes in a secured building. The Daughters of the Cross at Kidderpore provided them with support, and Mother Benigna offered them a well-furnished room and free transport.
Despite challenges with the climate and personnel changes, the school grew, and in 1959, a branch school, Stella Maris School, was opened in Garden Reach.

The community for Calcutta was established on 6th June 1956, and the sisters initially resided at St. Mary’s Carmel School before moving to Heysham Road in 1957. They paid a monthly rent of Rs.300 for their residence and Rs.685 for the school building. It started with 40 pupils and made steady progress, eventually accommodating 115 pupils within a year.

In 1966, a significant milestone was achieved when the institution acquired a desirable property near Jodhpur Park, comprising a two-storeyed building with a boundary wall, a garage, and a servant’s quarter, covering an area of 31 kuttah of land.
This acquisition allowed the school to cater to the strong demand for admission by dividing its student body into Bengali and non-Bengali divisions and implementing a double shift system.

In 1972, the Provincial Superior and her team shifted their residence to Carmel Convent, Gariahat Road, Calcutta. It was most edifying to see humble dwelling place of the Provincial and her team .

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