Anujyoti Barasat

“By wisdom a house is built, through understanding it is established, and through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” – Proverbs 24:3-4

The dream of the Province, under the leadership of Sr. Mirabelle as Provincial Superior, was to relocate the Postulancy from Carmel Convent Keorapukur to a more conducive environment with enhanced spiritual support. This vision began to take shape when a plot of land became available for sale in Barasat, an area surrounded by formation houses of various congregations and adjacent to the Jesuit Pre-Novitiate.

In 2013, the Province purchased a 42-decimal plot of land in Barasat. The foundation stone for the new convent, named Carmel Convent Anujyoti, was laid on January 5, 2015, by Sr. Mirabelle A.C., and blessed by Fr. A. Carvalho S.J. The culmination of this effort came on February 20, 2016, when Carmel Convent Anujyoti was formally blessed by Rev. Archbishop Thomas D’Souza.

Subsequently, the common postulancy was relocated to Maryhill Mangalore. Since then, the house has continued to fulfil its purpose as a Formation House for the Initial Stage of Formation: Formal Candidature. Through God’s grace, candidates have been welcomed into the program each year, enriching the community and fulfilling the province’s mission.

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