Veronica Sadan Bonaigarh

Responding to the mandate of the General Chapter-2014 to establish accessible schools in rural areas, the Apostolic Carmel-Eastern Province embarked on a new mission in Bonai, Odisha. Upon conducting a survey, it became evident that there was only one unaffiliated English Medium School serving the area. In response, the Apostolic Carmel Educational Society of Odisha took the initiative to secure funding and acquire necessary land. Given that land ownership in Odisha is predominantly held by Scheduled Tribes (ST) or Scheduled Castes (SC), finding suitable land for the general population posed challenges. Eventually, through what was perceived as divine intervention, three acres were purchased under the name of the Apostolic Carmel Educational Society of Odisha for establishing Carmel School, along with an additional 2.23 acres named under the convent society, Nirmala Nilaya.

On March 19, 2023, coinciding with the Feast of St. Joseph and the bicentennial birth anniversary of our revered Foundress Mother Veronica, who envisioned transformative opportunities for the advancement of women and children, we inaugurated Veronica Sadan convent. Simultaneously, Carmel Pre-Primary opened its doors with an initial enrollment of 22 students across Nursery to K.G.II classes.

Our sisters have actively engaged with the local community, both within the vicinity and the parish. Initially challenged by the local Odia language, they quickly familiarized themselves with the neighborhood. Beyond their roles at the school, our sisters dedicate their time to teaching catechism on Sundays, oversee youth programmes, and participate in area-specific Masses at the substation.

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