Arunachal Pradesh, often referred to as “The Land of the Rising Sun,” is a region abundant in cultural and ecological diversity. The Salesian fathers established a school in Yupia upon their arrival in Doimukh. Mr. Tana Tahim, a parishioner, generously donated land, leading to the relocation of the school to Doimukh. Responding to the community’s desire for a parish church, Mrs. Tana Angela, wife of Tana Bodo, donated a hillock to the Catholic community. Bishop John Thomas, the then Bishop of Itanagar, recognized the need for a girls’ hostel and sought the assistance of the Apostolic Carmel Sisters of the Eastern Province, who willingly agreed to start the hostel.
On October 22, 2014, the Apostolic Carmel Sisters arrived at Doimukh, where they were warmly received by Fr. Sebastian SDB, the Parish Priest, and the CMC sisters. The foundation stone for the hostel was laid on December 21, 2014, by Fr. Sebastian SDB. After three years of dedicated effort, the building was completed by the end of February. On February 20, 2017, Bishop John Thomas blessed the Apostolic Carmel convent and the Apostolic Carmel Girls Hostel.
Since its inception, the mission has flourished, focusing primarily on caring for the children entrusted to their care. The sisters provide additional support to students who may need it, ensuring their educational success. They actively participate in parish activities and contribute to the apostolate. Additionally, two sisters teach at Don Bosco School, which is managed by the Salesian fathers, further enriching the educational landscape of the community.