In response to invitations from His Lordship, Alex Dias, S.F.X., communicated in letters dated April 24, 1986, May 24, 1986, and February 9, 1987, Sister Mirabelle A.C., the Provincial Superior of the Northern Province of the Apostolic Carmel at that time, agreed to establish a convent on an experimental basis in Campbell Bay, Great Nicobar. This initiative was aimed at supporting the pastoral work of Campbell Bay Parish. Specifically, the sisters undertook tasks such as providing pastoral assistance in the parish and its outstations across Nicobar, teaching catechism to children and adults, organizing groups like Mahila Sangh (women’s group), Yuvak Sangh (youth group), and Bal Sangh (children’s group), as well as offering guidance on child care, health, and nutrition to the local community.
On December 26, 2004, at 5:00 a.m., a devastating tsunami struck the area, resulting in the destruction of our convent and school. After the tragic event, our sisters were residing with the Paulus Kerketta family. Despite this loss, the sisters persevered in their mission, currently residing within the Parish campus as they continue to educate and serve the people of Great Nicobar Island.
The Apostolic Carmel sisters, despite facing immense challenges, remain steadfast in their commitment to their mission of service and education in the aftermath of natural disasters