Carmel Convent Kutra

The diocese of Rourkela was created by the Papal Bull “Cum Cordi” dated 4th July 1979, and Rt.Rev.Alphonse Bilung SVD was appointed the first bishop of Rourkela in 1979 And Carmel convent Kutra belong to this diocese.

The standard of the Oriya schools were indeed very poor and even brilliant children could not sit for competitive examination, because of their system of education. Hence the Bishop wanted the Apostolic Carmel sisters to run a school. The felt need of the diocese was an English Medium School. So Rt.Rev.Alphonse Bilung,SVD in his letter of 16th September 1995,requested Sr.M.Mabilia the then Provincial of Eastern Province, to start a Primary School for the tribal and other backward children of the area.

August 15th 1996, On the Feast of the Assumption of our lady, and our day of National rejoicing- independence day – the inauguration of Carmel took place. Sr.Lucy Lobo, (Sister in charge) and Srs. Bandona and Surekha formed the pioneering band. The second house in Sudargarh district, Odisha. When the sisters took over the school the strength of the school was 70 in number with three teachers managing the three classes. The school run by the Apostolic Carmel Sisters retained the earlier name ‘St.John Mary Vianney School’ in 1997 and 1998,Classes III and IV were added. On July 1997 saw the opening of the Hostel for girls, with just three in number at that time.

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